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Ayurvedic Massage,

Masaje relajante

"Take care of Yourself" 

Ayurvedic massage treats the deeper layers of the body and the vital points. This unique type of massage removes blockages and gain blood flow, awakening the energy sources in a deeper level of conciousness. 


The act of massaging the body melts away tension and stress from the muscles, as well as reduces aches & pains and balances what we call vata dosha in ayurveda, which primarily is responsible for balancing out nervous system and governs all movement in the body including elimination. Massaging the body with herbal oils, enhances the benefits of the massage.



  • Offers relief from stress, tension & low energy

  • Balance Pain

  • Supports musculoskeletal and nervous system health

  • Tones the muscles & body’s tissues

  • Enhances circulation

  • Improves sleep patterns

  • Stimulates organ function

  • Helps your body detox

  • Promotes softer, stronger & more supple skin

  • Increases radiance and lustre of the skin, for graceful aging & growing

  • Prevents injury & muscle strain

  • Excellent for nervous system conditions, anxiety & overwork

  • Ideal to receive at the change of the seasons

  • Massage Boosts Your Happy Hormones: 2. Oxytocin - The 'Love Hormone' 3. Serotonin - The 'Mood Stabiliser' 4. Endorphins - The 'Painkillers' 5. Dopamine - The 'Reward Motivator' Growth Hormone

  • Finally, the growth hormone is indirectly affected by massage because massage helps encourage restorative sleep and decreases cortisol.  Because the growth hormone is most active during sleep this is what helps the process of tissue repair and regeneration.
    Good sleep promotes more growth hormone which is necessary for healing!

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